Monday, 4 April 2011

White leaven bread

Should be reasonably easy but one little mistake...

200g leaven (wholemeal)
350g water
500g strong white flour
10g salt

Temp. (ideally all three should add up to 54c according to some very good French baking bloke I saw on YouTube)
Water 15c
Flour  22c
Room 22c = 59 (close!)

Mix everything together & leave for 10 mins (To develop gluten. Apparently)

Knead after;
10 mins
30 mins
60 mins
60 mins
120 mins

Divide dough into two.

Shape into rounds

Prove one in basket (seam side up) with lots of flour so it doesn't stick.

Shape other into baton, lump onto baking paper (lots of flour again) and prop up sides with rolled up tea towels so it rises up - not into a doughy puddle!

Chuck both into 'proving receptacles' (plastic under bed storage boxes, cheap from B&Q) for 4-5 hours.

Oven to 220c

Slash loaves artistically (& gently) and bake on pizza stone for c50 mins.

Fingers crossed.........!